What I feel faith did for me- A renewed prayer life.
As a child I believed in God. It was a childlike faith, but I felt the connection between heaven and earth. Pope Francis commented” Faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim.” We hear people speak of being born again. what does that mean? In my book Medjugorje a new beginning, I spoke of lights that I saw as I was descending apparition hill. Everything, and everyone were bathed in this beautiful pink light, I came to believe the light is the spirit of Christ. It is said in scripture that Jesus said,” I am the light of the world.” Faith is a gift, a light that God gives us every day to accept, or reject. The closer we are to God, the brighter our light will be. A prayer life increases our light because it increases our faith, and brings us closer to Christ, The light of the world. When we accept Christ our light, we are born again. We come to see things with a clearer vision.
Inspirational video – What faith can do= Sung By Kutless
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