Personal Prayers

These are – Some Personal Prayers said to God daily, on my spiritual journey.

They are a daily help to me.

My hope is that they will also be a help to you.

Prayer 1 = Dear God, please protect me your loving child Eva – Place your name here.

My prayers are for all the children of the world, that they may come to know you, as the loving father you are. Amen.

Please God protect my children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, all those I know and love, and all those who have asked for, and need my prayers.

Prayer 2= Body of Christ save me, Blood of Christ, save me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus I consecrate to you,

My mind= make + cross on forehead with thumb.

My Words= make a + on lips.

My Body= make a + on Heart.

My Heart and my Soul  make a + on each shoulder.

In order that your will be done through me this day. Amen

Prayer =3   The St Michael’s Prayer

St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle,

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

And do Thou, Oh Prince of the heavenly hosts,

By the power of God, thrust into hell, Satan, and all the evil spirits,

Who prawl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Prayer= 4  The Holy Name of Jesus ,

Praise you Jesus, our God and our Savior.

May all heads bow, All knees bend, and All hearts rejoice at the mention of your Holy Name,  Alleluia .

When I hear of a death =I say this prayer.

May eternal rest grant unto them o Lord,

And may perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

I try to read the Bible daily,

God’s word is a lamp unto my feet

When we pray, we speak to God.

When we read His word , He speaks to us.



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