” I love people of possibility, people who dive in and make things happen, they have an energy and enthusiasm that is contagious, and people love being around them. They see possibilities everywhere they look, and everyone loves having people of possibility on their team at work and in their parish. But their are also people of impossibility. To these people nothing seems possible. They are negative and filled with discouragement. Their attitude can also be contagious. They can be sarcastic and cynical. They discourage others and belittle every idea that points towards new possibilities. People avoid people of impossilbility .As children of God and christians, and particularly as Catholics, we are called to be people of possibility. We should be contagiously hopeful about God’s plans for our lives and the world. This hope- the hope of a joyful christian is needed in society today more than ever. What are three ways you can bring hope to other people this month? I invite you to pray about this challenge, so God can enpower you to become a powerful ambassdor of hope and encouragement. Everyone needs to be encouraged from time to time.”
Thank you Matthew for these words of encouragement they are so needed.