47 days before Easter Sunday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten Season. We as christians begin a fast on Ash Wednesday, and abstaint from eating meat each Friday until Easter Sunday.
Why ashes? Why do we put ashes on our foreheads as we begin the lenten season?
Ashes – signify penance, Ashes have been used many times in the Bible for signifying penance.
As the ashes are applied to our foreheads these words are said,” Repent and believe in the gospel, or “Remember man that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shall return.
The ashes are used as a public profession of our christian faith, an external sign of repenting of sin, and embracing the gospel.
The ashes that are used are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebrations that have been blessed.
Lent is a spiritual renewal, a reflection on our closeness to God?
So what does Lent mean to me, and to you?
As children we were told that we should give something up that we love as a penance during lent, and If I can remenber most of us gave up the candy that we loved, but we were also told that we should do something good for someone,maybe our sisters and brothers?
I still think that concept is a good idea.
Sometimes we need to sacrifice and deny ourselves in order to become better versions of ourselves, so that we can get closer to God.
Christion charity is always a good idea. Maybe we can find someone who needs our help?
New beginnings are always a good idea.
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