“Being immature speaks of who you were.”
“Being mature speaks of who you are going to be.”
“Who You are is what you have become.”
” Do not teach others how to live your life.”
Akiane is a Nineteen year old prodigy, who began her spiritual journey at the age of four. She began speaking to her mother about God, and her visits to heaven. At the time this occurred the family were atheists. She began painting some of the things she said she saw in heaven at the age of six. In an interview at the age of Twelve, She was asked, what did God look like? She said “He looks like a bowl of light= Pure” His eyes are just beautiful. She went on to say ” The most important thing in life is faith, because without it we cannot communicate with God.”
Do yourself a favor and spend time reading her inspirational book, and watching the video’s about her life. You will be amazed.
Book= Akiane= Her life- Her art- Her poetry= found in any book store of your choosing. Video’s found on you tube. http://tinyurl.com/mv7ws2x