What a powerful word influence is. It can be used for good, or evil. It surrounds us it moves us It almost takes over our lives. Its movements can be subtle, or dynamic, especially if we are not aware of these powers, and how they can control our lives. The dictionary defines influence as ” A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events, especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort.” We can easily be swept up in its, ” Power to sway, based on prestige, wealth, ability, or position.” We can be influenced by any one of these powers at any time in the course of our every day lives, And we are. What does influence us from day to day? Aware, or unaware it has its affect. I made a list to remind myself what may influence me in the course of a day. Family, culture, politics, music, media, books, religion, television, internet, money, examples, nature. I try to surround myself with positive influence it makes me happy. Good influence is inspirational.
A poem I wrote about how I was influenced, and inspired by a family friend.
Words of Inspiration Poem =Story
When I was a child of ten,
These words of inspiration came from a family friend.
He was just a young man at the time,
but I did not think much of age then,
He may have been twenty nine.
I did a bit of chattering then,
I spoke to him mainly of family, and friends.
He listened to me, and when I was finished with what I had to say.
He began to speak, to give me some advice,
But I was not listening to anything he said,
I just keep on chattering instead.
I finally became quiet and he said to me.
“May I ask you a question?
The question is this,
How do you learn?
Is it by speaking out of turn?
Or is it by listening to those who know better?
Try to stop your chattering, and you will learn,
So much more, much more, than you ever knew before.
Please listen to me this will help you in life, you will see.
These words of inspiration have stayed with me all of my life,
But i’m sure that was your intention, right from the start.
I thank you my friend from the bottom of my heart.
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