I love Nature in all it’s glory, but what would nature be without the trees, in all seasons?
A Poem- Voice of the trees- in all Seasons.
The trees in the winter seem to shout ” Look at me”
I’m all sparkly, and white, “am I not beautiful to see?”
You don’t hardly notice, but I’m here all the time.
I don’t always speak, but I do have a name,
And I’m told i’ts called pine.
The trees in the spring seem to speak at this time “Look at me”
Am I not beautiful to see?”
My white blossoms, and fragrance are filling the air,
“Am I not a sight to behold,”
How can you compare?
I do have a name, I’m called cherry blossom, I’m told.
The trees in the summer seem to speak out” Look at me”
Am I not so beautiful to see?
I’ve sure taken my time, but here I am at last.
I’m filled with pink flowers, with a fragrance so sweet,
That will soon be a fruit, that’s delicious to eat.
I hope you will remenber me as your favorite tree?
My name is Peach.
The trees in the Fall seem to shout, ” Look at me”
Am I not the most beautiful to see?
I am going to get you to love me most of all,
Before my leaves fall,
Look” how I change from yellow, to orange, and red”
Have I got your attention yet?
How can you love any other tree, more than you love me?
I must admit you have won my heart for all seasons,
And that is the reason,
I love you Mr. Maple most of all.
9 Responses to Dedicated to Nature- Voice of the trees- in all Seasons – A Poem