As you know I am very inspired by the evangelist Matthew Kelley and the dynamic Catholic Institute he founded.
Matthew Kelley has written many wonderful and inspirational books that motivate people to become the best version of themselves.
The four signs of a dynamic Catholic are one of these books.
Matthew Kelley and the dynamic Institute did a ten year research study on what they found are the differences between what they call= engaged Catholics, and= disengaged Catholics, and this is what they found, there are seventy seven million Catholics in America, but only seven percent of those Catholics are what they call =engaged Catholics, the rest of the NinetyThree percent they call = disengaged catholics.
So then what is the difference between =engaged Catholics, and disengaged Catholics?
The dynamic Catholic Institute says that there are many things that make the seven percent different from the rest of the Catholics,
But they found that there are specifically= Four things that the seven percent of others Catholics all have in common and Matthew calls them = The four signs of a dynamic Catholic.
So what then are the four signs of a dynamic Catholic?
1= The first sign of a dynamic Catholic is= Prayer These seven percent Catholics make a daily commitment to prayer. God is not distant to these people.He is their personal friend, and adviser. They believe that doing God’s will is the only path that leads to lasting happiness
. 2= The second sign of a dynamic Catholic is= Study= These people want to know more about Jesus, they read scripture, they read Catholic books, they make retreats, they join prayer groups, and Bible study groups. They are always learning more abut their faith.
3= The third sign of a dynamic Catholic is =Generosity= These people have a spirit of service= they are generous with their families, their friends, and with their parish. They are constantly giving of their time, talent, and their treasure.
4= the forth sign of a dynamic Catholic is = Evangelization= The dynamic Catholic Institute found that even among the highly engaged Catholics evangelization was the weakest sign out of all of the four signs. We ask ourselves why that is?
Pope Francis says” Faith is a flame that grows stronger the more t is passed on.”
Evangelization happens when the word of Jesus speaks to people’s hearts, and minds.
The fruits of evangelization are= changed lives, and a changed world where holiness, justice, spirituality, and peace reside.
This is what Saint Paul says about evangelization 2 Timothy Chapter 4; 1-8 ” In the presence of God, and of Jesus, who is coming to judge the lying and the dead, and by His Kingly power I charge you to preach the word, to stay with this task weather convenient or inconvenient correcting, reproving, appealing, constantly teaching and never losing patience.
A quote from Matthew Kelley” = Transforming people one at a time is at the heart of God’s plan for the world.”