The 12 Keys To Spiritual Vitality By = Dr Richard Johnson

Here Are The Twelve Keys.

1.  Transform your attitudes.

2.  Seek love everywhere.

3.  Delight in connected -ness.

4.  Live in the now.

5.  Accept your true self.

6.  Forgve others and self.

7.  Let go of anger and other inner turmoil.

8.  Give of yourself to others.

9.  Celebrate your faith.

10.  Discover the deep meaning in your life.

11.  Make your feelings work for you.

12.  Achieve balance in your life.

Today I would like to speak about Key number 2  =Seek love everywhere.

1 John 4;7  “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. ”

We are called by our christian faith to seek love everywhere. Jesus told us that in every place we walk, with each person we encounter, in every situation we experience, we are to ask the question.

Where  is the love here?

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