Prayer is a commitment

Lesson in loving  Psalm;25-4  “Your ways O Lord make known to me, teach me your paths.”

Prayer is a commitment

Prayer is a commitment like every other commitment we make in life. If we would like to  be closer to God; we need to make time for prayer. If we would like to get to know a person, we must make time for that relationship to grow. There is no difference with prayer. It also takes time.  Sometimes it helps to make a prayer schedule, until we become accustomed to praying. I like to begin my day with prayer. I find if I don’t take a few minutes as soon as I get out of bed for prayer, I become distracted, and forget to pray.  I like to begin my prayer by  thanking the Lord for a good nights rest, and for a new day. Everyone has their special prayers they like to say, I have mine. Jesus gave us The Lord’s prayer, an example for us. Whichever prayer we choose when it comes from the heart it is best. I pray daily for God’s blessings, and graces for my family, friends, and myself. I pray to my guardian angel for protection. I believe in intercessory prayer so I ask the saint of the day to intercede for me. It only takes a few minutes to raise our minds, and hearts to God. I am committed to my morning prayers. I find when I begin my day in prayer; I have a closer relationship with God throughout the day.

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