New Beginnings

I love new beginnings. Actually every day we awaken is a new beginning, but the Lord allows us special new beginnings.  I’m thinking about the new year 2013  that is upon us, and what a great idea making new year’s resolutions is. I find a  new year a great time to reflect on positive changes in my life. Setting, and reaching new goals is exciting. For me as a Catholic it’s like going to confession, a clean slate. Actually  its a great idea to start the new year by going to confession. It doesn’t seem to be an easy thing to do these days, but I have learned  worthwhile things aren’t always easy. when I was in Medjugorje I saw how important reflecting on our past behavior is to our healing, for a new beginning. Our souls are an important part of who we are.  A new year is a great opportunity to reflect on how we can become a better version of ourselves, body, mind, and spirit.  I find reflecting on the past year 2012, with all of it’s  positives, and negatives to be beneficial to improving one’s life. I like to think of new beginnings as do opening new doors.               To be continued.

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