Good Morning, I have a question for you= How do we become the best version of ourselves?
Well, Matthew Kelley from Dynamic Catholic sure has a lot to say about it.
This wonderful evangelist, who most of us have heard of, speaks, and teaches us, all about how we can become the best version of ourselves.
He speaks about it in all of his conferences, books, and videos.
Matthew says it cannot happen, we cannot become the best version of ourselves without a solid prayer life.
Matthew goes on to say,” if Dynamic Catholic could teach only one thing to help people become the best version of them, it would certainly be to help them develop= a daily habit of prayer.”
Prayer changes lives, prayer changes everything, nothing ever changes until we give daily prayer a place in our lives. Our lives only change when our habits change.
Daily prayer is the most essential habit of the spiritual life. The more ingrained this habit becomes in our lives, the clearer we hear the voice of God. The clearer we hear the voice of God, the more likely we are to experience the peace and happiness God years to fill us with.
Dynamic Catholic sees a connection between joy, and fulfillment in people’s lives when prayer becomes a daily habit.
In one of Matthew Kelley’s books= the four signs of a Dynamic Catholic which I highly recommend he says that that =The very first sign of a Dynamic Catholic is-Prayer.
Dynamic Catholic has prayer cards called= The prayer process.
The prayer process is a seven-step tool to help us develop a routine of prayer. This is by no means the only way to pray. But it is a good way to develop a daily routine of prayer.
1 =The first tool in the seven step process is [Gratitude= We begin our prayer by thanking God in a personal dialogue for whatever we are most grateful for today.
2 =The second tool is [ Awareness= We revisit the times in the past 24hrs. when we were, and were not the best version of ourselves. We talk to God about these situations, and what we have learned from them.
3 =The third tool is [Significant Moments= We identify something that we have experienced in the last 24 hrs, and we explore what God might be trying to say to us through an event or maybe a person.
4=The forth tool is [Peace= We ask God to forgive us for any wrong that we have committed against ourselves, another person, or him, and to fill us with a deep and abiding Peace.
5 =The fifth tool is [ Freedom= We speak with God about how he is inviting us to change, so that we can experience the freedom to become the best version of ourselves.
6 =The sixth tool is [ Others= We lift up to God anyone we feel called to pray for today, asking God to bless and guide them.
7 =And lastly we [ Pray the Lords prayer= The Our Father
Matthew Kelley says that if there were only one way out of all the other ways that we can accomplish becoming the best version of ourselves it would be through a daily habit of prayer,
But he also says it will not be easy=Why? Because we will encounter a great deal of resistance. We will find many, reasons why we cannot form a daily habit of prayer. I find that when we form a daily habit of prayer the evil one knows that we are on our way to becoming the best version of ourselves.
And remember what our saint Mother Theresa was famous for saying
“If you find it hard, do it anyway.