What can we compare to a mothers love?
Beginning with Our Blessed Mother Mary, who said” yes to God at a very young age.” Her Motherhood did not end with her son Jesus. When Jesus gave us his mother she became our mother, and as we mothers know, a mothers job is never done, not if we love our children. It is a life long commitment through joy, and sorry. Our Blessed Mother is here with us in Medjugorje, because of her love for us. As a loving mother she wants to help her children. She knows that some of us have gotten far away from her son, so she is showing us the way to regain our faith. Almost every message Our Blessed Mother gives us from Medjugorje on the 25th of each month, speaks of prayer, and peace. She asks us to pray from our hearts, to speak to her son and tell him what is happening in our lives. She asks us to love one another, to create peace in our world.
I believe a mother’s heart is very close to the heart of God. When mothers like Mary say yes to pro- creation, we become part of God’ plan.
Lovely lady dressed in blue teach us how to pray. God was your little boy, and you know the way.
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