” Unless you become like little children you will not enter the kingdom of God.”
The closer I get to God, the more my image of Him changes. I know he is a just judge, but the more I feel his love, the more I realize how complicated my idea of God was, compared to my image of him now. I have found the more I get to know God thought prayer, the clearer this passage from St Matthew becomes.
We as parents expect certain behaviors from our children. Some might be= respect, love, obedience, trust, humility. These are usually uppermost in our teachings. Children come into this world helpless. They depend on us for their very survival. We feed, cloth, love, and teach them. Their very happiness depends on us.
It is no different with our heavenly Father, He expects no less of us his children, He wants us to depend on him. He wants our trust, our obedience, our respect, our humility, and above all, he wants our love. No matter our age, we are, and always will be God’s children. God wants an intimate relationship with us.
As loving parents we want only happiness for our children. Our heavenly Father wants the same for us his children. If we are, or become like God’s little children, we then will have no problem entering the kingdom of heaven.