A recent conversation regarding = Love and Service =
Was not Jesus’s whole life spent in serving others? Is that not love in action?
Galations 5;13 ” My brothers, remenber that you have been called to live in freedom- but not a freedom that gives free rein to the flesh. Out of love, place yourselves at one another’s service.
1- John; 3;18″ Little Children, let us love in deed and in truth, and not mearly talk about it.”
Simple definition of the word = Serve= in Webster- Merriam = To give food or drink to someone- To provide services that benefit or help.
Matthew 20; 28= Such is the case with the son of man who has come, not to be served by others, but to serve.
When we serve others, and show hospitality in the name of the Lord, are we not loving? Matthew 20;26 ” Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest.”