Mary Magdalene proclaimed” I have seen the Lord”
A life changing personal encounter with the risen Jesus is absolutely critical.
The risen Jesus is not bound by the laws of the natural world.
He walks through locked doors [Jn 20:26,
Vanishes from human sight [ Lk 24:31,
And rises into the clouds [ Acts 1 :9.
You might encounter the risen Jesus in the Eucharist, while reading the Bible, at a retreat, during prayer, in a traffic jam, while cooking, in the dark [ Acts 18:9, or while traumatized by tragedy [ Jn 20 :15.
Be constantly ready to encounter the risen Jesus.
Let Him transform your life.
Prayer: “Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All.”
Promise: ” You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 2: 38
Praise: Praise You, risen Jesus” You are theAlpha and the Omega” [Rv 22; 13. Alleluia.