Talk for Mothers and Others- Abortion = Vote for Life


Some of my talk today is taken from an article written in the latest issue of the magazine Columbia By = The Supreme Knight Carl A Andreson Called=  Mother Theresa and the transformation of Politics.

Quote from Mother Theresa of Calcutta” Abortion today has become the greatest destroyer of love and peace.”

St Theresa of Calcutta was canonized on Sept 4, 2016, just last month.

In 1982 Mother Theresa spoke to the Harvard graduates.

The graduates were expecting Mother Theresa to speak on poverty, as everyone knew that no one more identifed with the destitute then she did, but she did not speak that day of poverty, not the poverty of a faraway place.

Mother Theresa explained that the poorest of the poor weren’t in the slums of India , no they were our neighbors right here in America. She added,” Abortion is one of the greatest poverties. A nation, people, family, that allows that, that accepts that, they are the poorest of the poor.

In 1979, upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Theresa said” The nations who have legalized abortion, they are the poorest nations.

In 1994 at the National Prayer Breakfast, attended by our congressional leaders of both Republican and Democratic parties, and by President Clinton, and Mrs Hilary Clinton.

Mother Theresa made a direct plea to the American people. She said” I feel that the greatest destroyer of Peace today is Abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself, and if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another.

Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any kind of violence to get what they want.”

We will never succeed in building a culture of life if we continue to vote for politicians of death.

Did you know that we have seventy seven million Catholic’s in the United States?

Catholic voters have the power to transform our politics.

Hilary Clinton nominee for Democratic Party for President of the United States said at a speech to the women in the world Conferance April 2015 ” Religious beliefs and structual biases have to change ” To expand abortion.”

Just weeks before the launch of her 2016 campaign, Hilary Clinton headlined the 30th anniversary Gala for = Emily’s List.

Emily’s List is a very powerful political action committee that backs female pro- choice Democrats. Candidates who support abortion on demand.

According to Wikipedia= Emily’s List is an American political action committee [ Pac] that aims to help elect pro- choice Democratic female candidates to office.

Founded in 1985 By Ellen Malcolm.

Who is Ellen Malcolm? She is an heir to the IBM fortune.

She was president of Emily’s List until 2010. In 2007, she served as co-chair of Hilary Clinton’s campaign,

She and Craig Unger wrote a book 2016 called = When Women Win. On the cover is Hilary Clinton holding a child.

For a candidate to be supported By Emily’s List they must take a hardcore -line stance in opposition to any and all limitations on abortion, and support full tax funding of abortion.

So when we go out and vote next month, let us remenber what Mother Theresa said” The biggest threat to peace and love is abortion. Let us close with the words that our Saint Mother Theresa said while receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She said” And so today, let us here make a strong resolution to save every child, every unborn child, give it a chance to be born.

“And let us pray for the courage to stand by the unborn child, and give the child an opportunity to love and to be loved,

” And I think with God’s grace we will be able to bring peace into the world. We pray this in Jesus’ name-Amen.”

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