Many years ago a wealthy family in England took their children for a holiday in the country. When the children went swimming in a pool, one of the boys began to drown. The other boys screamed for help and the son of the gardener jumped in and rescued the drowning one. Later, the grateful parents asked the gardener what they could do for the youthful hero. The gardener said his son wanted to go to college. “He wants to be a doctor,” he said. The visitors shook hands on that. “We’d be glad to pay his way through,” they told him.
When Winston Churchill was stricken with pneumonia after the Teheran conference, the King of England instructed that the best doctor be found to save the Prime Minister. The doctor turned out to be Dr.Fleming the developer of penicillin. “Rarely,”said Churchill to Fleming,” has one man owed his life twice to the same rescuer.” It was Fleming who saved Churchill in that pool.
Today let us give thanks to the Lord for His saving grace.