New Years Eve

I would like to close the year 2013, with gratitude in my heart to our heavenly father, who showers us with his love, blessings, and lessons in loving every day. He has taught us how important new beginnings are. How we can correct wrongs we make by loving, and forgiveness. How important peace is, and how it begins with us, and our families. This year I did not travel this journey alone. My thanks go out to all of you who have joined with me, on my prayer journey to the heart of God, which I like to refer to as the holy highway. My hope is that the time spent here on this web site has brought you closer, as it has me to the heart of God, through the prayers, inspirations, songs, and poems.  May God bless us all with his peace?

The Medjugorje December 25, 2013 =  Message.

“Dear Children, I am carrying to you the King of Peace, that he may give you his peace. You little children, pray, pray, pray. The fruit of prayer will be seen on the faces of the people who have decided for God, and his kingdom. I with my son Jesus, bless you all with a blessing of peace.  Thank you for having responded to my call.


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