Medjugorje Message for the world = From The Blessed Mother, April 25, 2013

“Dear Children, Pray, pray, and keep praying until your heart opens in faith, as a flower opens to the warm rays of the sun.

This is a time of grace which God gives you through my presence, but you are far from my heart, therefore I call you to personal conversion, and to family prayer.

May sacred scripture always be an incentive for you.

I bless you all with my Motherly Blessing.

Thank you for having responded to my call.”

One of the most important things I believe I have learned since experiencing Medjugorje in is, how prayer changes us.
This April message from Our Blessed Mother is what she has been saying to us from Medjugorje for the last thirty two years this June.  She is pleading with us to pray, pray, pray. She knows, if we do not spend time in  prayer we cannot change. It is God who changes us when we come before him in prayer. Our Blessed Mother says” Pray until your heart opens in faith, as a flower opens to the warm rays of the sun.”  How does our heart open in faith? When we pray, we humbly place ourselves in God’s hands, we are telling Our Heavenly Father we need him, and in his love for us he showers us with his grace, and love, and we change, we grow in faith.

Our Blessed Mother is telling us we pray too little, we need to make more time for prayer, especially  prayer with our families. We have forgotten how important prayer is. We have forgotten how important reading daily scripture is.

Let us begin again on our journey to the heart of God, and begin to pray. Prayer leads to a conversion of the heart. We would like our world to be a better, safer, place for us, and for our children.

OurBlessed Mother is telling us prayer is the way to a better  world, a more loving, and safer world.

Prayer=   Thank you dear Mother Mary for being with us, and giving us your Motherly Blessing,  loving us, and bringing us closer to your son.

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