I was thinking the other day how hard it is sometimes to maintain relationships, and what it takes not to give up on them. I know that If I did not have faith, and a love for God, and for his commandments, I would not work as hard to reconcile my relationships. So many things can go wrong in relationships from day to day, between husbands, wife’s , parents, children, brothers, sisters. friends and co-workers. The list is long. Of course some issues are more important than others, there is no doubt about that, but In my life I have found that in order to maintain, and improve my relationships it takes forgetting self, even for a moment, and listening to the other person, even if I do not agree. God say,.” We must love our neighbors as ourselves.” That requires a lot of love. That kind of love replaces anger,and malicious thoughts of any kind. God wants us to listen to each other, and to look for the best solution. Forgiveness is a big part of love. Having a good attitude is of ultra importance in healing, and maintaining relationships.
Ephesians 4; 26-27 ” Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” It is love pure and simple. The more we love the easier it becomes.
Beautiful video. – Sung, By Jason Mraz= I won’t give up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1-4u9W-bns
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