Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year to all.  I am very excited about  beginning a new year, full of new resolutions, new hopes, goals, dreams and maybe even miracles. There is something special about a new beginning and  starting from scratch. Seeing with the same eyes as last year, but hopefully seeing a little clearer, maybe because of what was learned in the past year. I was thinking this morning about what Dr Johnson, from the Johnson Institute, who I took courses from said ” We have six life arena’s. 1- Self– 2-family– 3 Relationships-4-career-5- Spirituality and-6-Leisure.” If in the course of one day we are aware, and try to balance these arenas of our lives, we will become happier people. Since I have taken these courses, and try to follow his suggestions, I have found it has helped me become a happier, and more balanced person.  I had not realized before taking these courses how important balancing one’s life is to one’s happiness.

In my last blog I wrote about the importance of words. This year one of my resolutions is to find positive words, and their meanings, and to use these words each day to become a better version of  myself. Today my perfect word is Balance. 

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