Follow me on my journey to the heart of God = On Bread One Body

God Says I will direct your steps Proverbs 3: 5-6

Jesus spent the afternoon of the day of His Resurrection-walking talking with two of His disciples. He interpreted for them every passage of scripture which referred to Him. “[ Luke 24: 27

As Jesus taught His disciples the scriptures their hearts began to burn within them. [ Luke 24; 32.

This sensation indicated that their hearts were being purified.

Thus Jesus spent the afternoon of His resurrection day purifying hearts through teaching the Bible. [ Eph 5: 26

If we let Jesus purify our hearts, our words become powerful, healing, and life-changing, for we speak out of the abundance of our hearts. [ Lk 6; 45

When we speak out of a pure heart, we speak out of God’s heart.

Then we speak with the power of God’s word.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. Mt 5 : 8

Prayer = Father purify my heart by faith [ Acts 15:9

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