Sometimes when we hurt for whatever reason, and there are many reasons in life. We lash out and hurt others. We think if we are loud enough, or become angry enough, that, some how makes us right in our opinion. Is that the truth? Does feeling angry make us right? Lies may go on for a long time. Does anger make for the truth? It becomes a tangled web. Most times the average person does not have a clue where the truth lies. It may take a long time to unravel the lies, to expose the truth. People have differences of opinion every single day. How then are we to get along? Where is the answer? Sometimes we feel let down by the world around us. Society, family, friends, co-workers. Bad things can happen to good people. Where is God in all this? Are we asking for his help? Are we seeking the truth? Or are we content to just wallow in our anger? There are two answers= Love, or hate which usually brings anger, that can turn into rage. We do have choices, and we make them every day, consciously, or unconsciously. The choices we make are of ultra importance. Love, or Hate, it is a choice. If we choose to love, then we are at peace. If we choose to hate, then we are unhappy, and at war, with either ourselves, or with others Do we want to live in a peaceful world? than we must be peacemakers. We must learn to love, even if we do have a difference of opinion. Look for the best, or for the worst, and you will surely find it. Love is simple, but divine.
‘Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve? By Sir Walter Scott
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